November 24, 2024 Drosera Avenue Cleanup, Hamilton Township
Our last road cleanup of the year will be on November 24, 2024 from 1 p.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. We meet at the intersection of Drosera Avenue and Leipzig Avenue, Hamilton Township. The more people we can get to help us the quicker it will go. We will provide safety vests, gloves, buckets, bags, and grabbers. This is one of our big events for fund-raising during the year. If you have any questions, please email or call us; our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.
Atlantic Audubon was a driving force in getting the NJ Department of Transportation to establish a volunteer Adopt-A-Road program long after most other states had already instituted such programs. A photo survey of numerous dumping sites in Atlantic County and presentation of the results to the County Board of Freeholders led to the County Clean Roads.
Atlantic Audubon was a driving force in getting the NJ Department of Transportation to establish a volunteer Adopt-A-Road program long after most other states had already instituted such programs. A photo survey of numerous dumping sites in Atlantic County and presentation of the results to the County Board of Freeholders led to the County Clean Roads.